Example Database

The following queries endeavour to show how data used by this module is stored. This is a small peak into a production database and while it’s not perfect (still containing some legacy terms, etc.) it is completely functional with the nd_genotypes module.

Markers & Variants

The following queries show how markers and variants are stored. The types used for markers and variants can be configured and more then one type can be used for each (e.g. you could use SNP, MNP, Indel types for variants). While the example below shows multiple types for variants, in the future my personal database will be switched to use the SO sequence_variant type for all variants to aid with consistent variant pages in Tripal 3. However, this is a personal choice and both methods have their pro’s and cons.

psql=# SELECT f.*, cvt.name as type_name FROM chado.feature f LEFT JOIN chado.cvterm cvt ON cvt.cvterm_id=f.type_id WHERE f.name~'LcC09269p298';
 feature_id | dbxref_id | organism_id |                 name                  |          uniquename           | residues | seqlen | md5checksum | type_id | is_analysis | is_obsolete |      timeaccessioned       |      timelastmodified      |   type_name
     327991 |   2513464 |           4 | LcC09269p298                          | LcC09269p298                  |          |      1 |             |     796 | f           | f           | 2011-07-29 16:08:43.515889 | 2011-07-29 16:08:43.515889 | SNP
     372934 |   2649322 |           4 | LcC09269p298 454 Sequencing           | LcC09269p298_454              |          |      1 |             |    3969 | f           | f           | 2011-09-15 11:52:45.943205 | 2011-09-15 11:52:45.943205 | genetic_marker
     392501 |   3114923 |           4 | LcC09269p298 Lc1536 Golden Gate Assay | LcC09269p298-1_B_F_1890446698 |          |      1 |             |    3969 | f           | f           | 2011-09-15 12:06:20.86547  | 2011-09-15 12:06:20.86547  | genetic_marker
(3 rows)
psql=# SELECT prop.*, cvt.name as type_name FROM chado.featureprop prop LEFT JOIN chado.cvterm cvt ON cvt.cvterm_id=prop.type_id WHERE prop.feature_id IN (327991, 372934, 392501);
 featureprop_id | feature_id | type_id |           value            | rank |          type_name
         400633 |     327991 |    1512 | 91 bp                      |    0 | five_prime_flanking_region
         400634 |     327991 |    1513 | 308 bp                     |    0 | three_prime_flanking_region
         525105 |     372934 |    3966 | 454 Sequencing             |    0 | marker_type
         459336 |     392501 |    1891 | 0.909                      |    0 | score
         459337 |     392501 |    1870 | LcRedberry                 |    0 | source
         459338 |     392501 |    3687 | 12/23/2010                 |    0 | design_date
         466357 |     392501 |    3709 | BOT                        |    0 | illumina_strand
         466358 |     392501 |    3710 | BOT                        |    0 | reference_sequence_strand
         781915 |     392501 |    3966 | Illumina Golden Gate Assay |    0 | marker_type
(9 rows)
psql=# SELECT t.* FROM chado.featureloc t WHERE t.feature_id IN (327991, 372934, 392501);
 featureloc_id | feature_id | srcfeature_id |   fmin    | is_fmin_partial |   fmax    | is_fmax_partial | strand | phase | residue_info | locgroup | rank
       3897843 |     372934 |        295264 |       297 | f               |       298 | f               |      0 |     0 |              |        0 |    0
       3711470 |     392501 |        295264 |       297 | f               |       298 | f               |      0 |     0 |              |        0 |    0
       3260896 |     327991 |        295264 |       297 | f               |       298 | f               |        |       |              |        0 |    0
       4562009 |     327991 |       3400411 | 250519947 | f               | 250519948 | f               |     -1 |       |              |        2 |    0
       4562010 |     327991 |       3400411 | 250136623 | f               | 250136624 | f               |     -1 |       |              |        2 |    1
       4562011 |     327991 |       3400407 |    501710 | f               |    501711 | f               |     -1 |       |              |        2 |    2
       4628689 |     372934 |       3400411 | 250519947 | f               | 250519948 | f               |     -1 |       |              |        2 |    0
       4628690 |     372934 |       3400411 | 250136623 | f               | 250136624 | f               |     -1 |       |              |        2 |    1
       4628691 |     372934 |       3400407 |    501710 | f               |    501711 | f               |     -1 |       |              |        2 |    2
(9 rows)
psql=# SELECT t.*, cvt.name as type_name FROM chado.feature_relationship t LEFT JOIN chado.cvterm cvt ON cvt.cvterm_id=t.type_id WHERE t.subject_id IN (327991, 372934, 392501);
 feature_relationship_id | subject_id | object_id | type_id | value | rank |  type_name
                 2575387 |     372934 |    327991 |    3685 |       |    0 | is_marker_of
                 2594954 |     392501 |    327991 |    3685 |       |    0 | is_marker_of
(2 rows)


The preferred method of storing genotype calls is to use the new genotype_call table created by this module as it is more efficient. As you can see below this results in each unique allele only being stored once in the genotype table with the information of which allele was detected for a given marker/stock combination is recorded in the genotype_call table. This method doesn’t use the feature_genotype table.

psql=# SELECT t.*, cvt.name as type_name FROM chado.feature_genotype t LEFT JOIN chado.cvterm cvt ON cvt.cvterm_id=t.cvterm_id WHERE t.feature_id IN (327991, 372934, 392501);
 feature_genotype_id | feature_id | genotype_id | chromosome_id | rank | cgroup | cvterm_id | type_name
(0 rows)
psql=# SELECT * FROM chado.genotype_call WHERE variant_id=327991 LIMIT 10;
 genotype_call_id | variant_id | marker_id | genotype_id | project_id | stock_id | meta_data
           158529 |     327991 |    372934 |     2625650 |          3 |    27907 |
           158530 |     327991 |    372934 |     2625649 |          3 |    27908 |
           158531 |     327991 |    372934 |     2625649 |          3 |    27911 |
           324755 |     327991 |    372934 |     2625650 |          3 |    27916 |
           324756 |     327991 |    372934 |     2625650 |          3 |    27917 |
           616977 |     327991 |    392501 |     2625652 |         36 |    28283 |
           618223 |     327991 |    392501 |     2625652 |         36 |    28284 |
           619485 |     327991 |    392501 |     2625651 |         36 |    28285 |
           620644 |     327991 |    392501 |     2625651 |         36 |    28286 |
           621871 |     327991 |    392501 |     2625652 |         36 |    28287 |
(10 rows)
psql=# SELECT g.*, cvt.name as type_name FROM chado.genotype g LEFT JOIN chado.cvterm cvt ON cvt.cvterm_id=g.type_id;
 genotype_id | name | uniquename | description | type_id | type_name
     2625647 | A    | A          | A           |     796 | SNP
     2625648 | T    | T          | T           |     796 | SNP
     2625649 | C    | C          | C           |     796 | SNP
     2625650 | G    | G          | G           |     796 | SNP
     2625651 | GG   | GG         | GG          |     796 | SNP
     2625652 | CC   | CC         | CC          |     796 | SNP
     2625653 | TT   | TT         | TT          |     796 | SNP
     2625654 | AA   | AA         | AA          |     796 | SNP
(8 rows)


The DNA source the marker assay was performed on is given a type of DNA with the original germplasm source of this DNA having whichever term is appropriate. The important thing is that the DNA extraction and original germplasm are related consistently through the stock_relationship table.

psql=# SELECT s.*, cvt.name as type_name FROM chado.stock s LEFT JOIN chado.cvterm cvt ON cvt.cvterm_id=s.type_id WHERE s.stock_id IN (58, 27907);
  stock_id | dbxref_id | organism_id |                     name                      |               uniquename               | description | type_id | is_obsolete | type_name
       58 |   1901662 |           4 | CDC Redberry                                  | KP:GERM58                              |             |    3683 | f           | Variety
    27907 |           |           4 | CDC Redberry 454 Extraction                   | CDC_Redberry_454                       |             |    3630 | f           | DNA
psql=# SELECT t.*, cvt.name as type_name FROM chado.stock_relationship t LEFT JOIN chado.cvterm cvt ON cvt.cvterm_id=t.type_id WHERE t.subject_id IN (58, 27907) AND cvt.name='is_extracted_from';
 stock_relationship_id | subject_id | object_id | type_id | value | rank |     type_name
                 43301 |      27907 |        58 |    3712 |       |    0 | is_extracted_from
(1 row)

Materialized Views

The following queries show the materialized views created by this module and provide an example of what they should contain. Notice that the variant/markers being demonstrated are located in multiple places on the genotype which explains the multiple records in mview_ndg_lens_variants. If your variants amplify unique regions then there will only be one location per variant in this table.

psql=# SELECT * FROM chado.mview_ndg_lens_calls WHERE variant_id=327991 LIMIT 10;
 variant_id | marker_id |              marker_name              |        marker_type         | stock_id |         stock_name          | germplasm_id | germplasm_name | project_id | genotype_id | allele_call | meta_data | ndg_call_id
     327991 |    372934 | LcC09269p298 454 Sequencing           | 454 Sequencing             |    27908 | 964a-46 454 Extraction      |         6755 | 964a-46        |          3 |     2625649 | C           |           |     1223711
     327991 |    372934 | LcC09269p298 454 Sequencing           | 454 Sequencing             |    27911 | ILL 8006 454 Extraction     |        18809 | ILL 8006       |          3 |     2625649 | C           |           |     1223712
     327991 |    372934 | LcC09269p298 454 Sequencing           | 454 Sequencing             |    27907 | CDC Redberry 454 Extraction |           58 | CDC Redberry   |          3 |     2625650 | G           |           |     1309137
     327991 |    372934 | LcC09269p298 454 Sequencing           | 454 Sequencing             |    27916 | PI 320937 454 Extraction    |         7832 | PI 320937      |          3 |     2625650 | G           |           |     1347692
     327991 |    372934 | LcC09269p298 454 Sequencing           | 454 Sequencing             |    27917 | L01-827A 454 Extraction     |         9727 | L01-827A       |          3 |     2625650 | G           |           |     1347693
     327991 |    392501 | LcC09269p298 Lc1536 Golden Gate Assay | Illumina Golden Gate Assay |    28285 | 1294M-23 Extraction         |         9420 | 1294M-23       |         36 |     2625651 | GG          |           |     1357149
     327991 |    392501 | LcC09269p298 Lc1536 Golden Gate Assay | Illumina Golden Gate Assay |    28286 | 2670B Extraction            |         9975 | 2670B          |         36 |     2625651 | GG          |           |     1357418
     327991 |    392501 | LcC09269p298 Lc1536 Golden Gate Assay | Illumina Golden Gate Assay |    28288 | 964a-46 Extraction          |         6755 | 964a-46        |         36 |     2625651 | GG          |           |     1357955
     327991 |    392501 | LcC09269p298 Lc1536 Golden Gate Assay | Illumina Golden Gate Assay |    28289 | Giftgi Extraction           |         9771 | Giftgi         |         36 |     2625651 | GG          |           |     1358196
     327991 |    392501 | LcC09269p298 Lc1536 Golden Gate Assay | Illumina Golden Gate Assay |    28290 | ILL 1704 Extraction         |         8111 | ILL 1704       |         36 |     2625651 | GG          |           |     1358495
(10 rows)

psql=# SELECT * FROM chado.mview_ndg_lens_variants WHERE variant_id=327991;
 variant_id | variant_name | variant_type | srcfeature_id | srcfeature_name |   fmin    |   fmax    |                             meta_data                              | ndg_variants_id
     327991 | LcC09269p298 | SNP          |        295264 | LcRBContig09269 |       297 |       298 | {"strand": null, "featureloc_id": 3260896, "variant_type_id": 796} |          396318
     327991 | LcC09269p298 | SNP          |       3400407 | LcChr1          |    501710 |    501711 | {"strand": -1, "featureloc_id": 4562011, "variant_type_id": 796}   |          396319
     327991 | LcC09269p298 | SNP          |       3400411 | LcChr5          | 250136623 | 250136624 | {"strand": -1, "featureloc_id": 4562010, "variant_type_id": 796}   |          396320
     327991 | LcC09269p298 | SNP          |       3400411 | LcChr5          | 250519947 | 250519948 | {"strand": -1, "featureloc_id": 4562009, "variant_type_id": 796}   |          396321
(4 rows)